Thursday, July 9, 2009

Party over here , Party over there......

So next Thursday, July 16th, something really cool is happening in the art district of Charlotte called NoDa. The collaboration between the Surles fam, Scott Miller and Jeff Shinabarger is bring a GiftCardGiver party to Charlotte. What is a GiftCardGiver party, you might ask? Well, here is a synapse of what is going to happen. This excerpt is from the invitation that Kenneth Surles sent out on Facebook.
"With $15 Billion worth of gift cards going unused in America from this year alone the non-profit Gift Card Giver has decided to do something about it, collect unused cards and give them to people in need.

To help them out with this brilliant idea, Jess and I, along with Scott Miller, will be hosting one of the organization's popular "House Parties" on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00 PM at our home in NoDa, Charlotte, NC. There will be a wide range of card games, snacks, desserts, drinks and good times for all. Come to meet some new folks who want to bring tangible change to the world, flex your UNO muscles, or display your calm cool and collected domination of Jenga.

The only requirement is everyone gets "Carded" at the door. In order to gain access you haveto bring a gift card (from anywhere) with any balance (large or small). Cards collected will go to benefit the Habitat Family from Parkersburg, West Virginia.

You do not want to miss this opportunity to have fun and do good!

Check out the official invite here: "

SO there you have it. Cool huh?

Well, here is one more tidbit on this whole thing. Everyone seems to have some gift card laying around in a drawer that has unused money on it. In fact, I have a Target card in my car with $1.18 on it and it is going to the party. Ashley and I would like to collect unused gift cards to take to the party. So if you can't come, I want you to think about mailing them to us or meeting up with us so we can collect the cards. Portions on the cards can range from 1 cent up to a billion dollars (BTW, if you have a gift card with a billion dollars on it, we need to become better friends :) . Send me an email at to get our address to send them or to arrange for us to pick them up.
